Sonex Aircraft finally ripped the tarps off of its highly anticipated engineering prototype of the new SubSonex JSX-2T two place jet today. The sleek design, using the 250 pound thrust PBS TJ-100 Czech engine, is being marketed as a low cost trainer for those seeking a jet LODA for their license and for those already certified folks who just want a less expensive way to stay proficient in jet operations. The official name of this craft is the SubSonex T (for Trainer).
The single place SubSonex debuted in 2011, to great success. Sonex founder, John Monnett, almost immediately began planning for a two place version. The development of the two place model was hampered by Sonex’s success in developing and selling remotely piloted vehicles to the U.S. Government and to the Department of Defense. Monnett spent so much time with the Tracer and Teros RPVs that the SubSonex JSX-2T was on the back burner for a while.
The SubSonex JSX-2T is a clean sheet design, with a fuselage that is a significant departure from other Sonex side by side aircraft. The TJ-100 engine, however, is the same model that powers the single place SubSonex. The V-tail assembly is the same configuration as the single place model. There is no word on whether the two place will utilize the four wheel main gear design like the single place.
Since January 1 of this year, Sonex has been owned and managed by Mark Schaible, who, coincidentally, used to work at EAA. John Monnett is still present at Sonex, however, lending advice and experience.
The SubSonex JSX-2T engineering prototype is devoid of interior and moving surfaces, so it has a long way to go before flight. If the flowing lines of the fuselage are any indication, however, the flying version will make quite an impression on the ramp and in the air.
Steve, I enjoy so much your journals! Wish I was there. Next year. Jim Estes