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Tag: aerodynamics

In Case You Missed It

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

Making Peace with the Jabiru Engine

Keep it cool: That’s the secret to success with the Jabiru engine, which will reward your efforts by being a simple, powerful and smooth-running powerplant. Dave Prizio offers some suggestions for Jabiru care.

Gear of the Year 2008

Most of the attendees at Oshkosh AirVenture each year seek out the latest, greatest, craziest, most innovative gear they can find, and our KITPLANES crew is no exception. This year we've come up with some brand new gadgets and some items that have escaped our attention till now but shouldn't have; a staff report.

Aero ‘lectrics

Franklin vs. Edison, Thomson, Millikan, et al.