Which Way What?

Missing labels.


Controls and various other items are required to be labeled. Some have the potential for serious consequences if activated at the wrong time. Imagine a non-pilot passenger in the rear seat of this RV-8 pulling the throttle back at takeoff, thinking that the black lever must be for fresh air! Fuel caps are required to be labeled with quantity and type of fuel. There have been way too many accidents with aircraft fueled with the improper grade of fuel.

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Vic Syracuse
Vic is a fixed-wing and helicopter commercial pilot, CFII with ASMEL/ASES ratings, an A&P/IA, DAR, and EAA technical advisor and flight counselor. Passionately involved in aviation for over 40 years, he has built 11 aircraft and logged over 10,000 hours in 72 different kinds of aircraft. Vic volunteers as a Young Eagle pilot, has his own sport aviation business called Base Leg Aviation, and has written two books on aircraft prebuy and condition inspections.


  1. Labeling the fuel filler cap areas along with all control levers inside and outside the aircraft will educate the passengers. However, a passenger briefing is the other half of the education needed.


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