Brad Hayden, the new Vice President of Marketing for Aspen Avionics, introduced the company’s newest orientation: horizontal. The Aspen Avionics backup display is actually seven instruments in one: attitude, altitude, airspeed, heading, vertical speed, GPS flight plan and GPS steering. The buttons and knobs have been reoriented for the horizontal configuration, and an emergency 30-minute battery completes the unit. It is a TSO’d product that the company expects to begin delivering in December of this year for just under $10,000.
In Case You Missed It
Turbine Temptation: Building the Airframe
Rule number one for building the SubSonex: Build from the inside out. Rule number...
Lightweight Stepladder
Bob Hadley - 0
I affectionately refer to my Jabiru light-sport as being a “low high-wing” airplane. This...
Learning to Weld
Ken Scott's series on welding closes with an afterword from his mentor, Philip Groelz, who explains why TIG welding is the way to go.
Light Sport, Done the Van’s Way
Dave Martin - 0
Van’s founder Dick VanGrunsven has long been active in the development of consensus standards for Light Sport Aircraft. Until recently, however, no one knew he was developing an LSA of his own. Enter the proof-of-concept RV-12. If testing bears out the viability of the concept, it may become available as an amateur-built kit.