Home Authors Posts by Dave Higdon

Dave Higdon

Dave Higdon
Dave travels far and wide as a long-time aviation journalist, so the subject of survival skills—what to pack, how to use it—was never far from his curiously sloping frontal lobes. Because we all tend to focus on the building and test-flying, knowing what to bring on that first long cross-country of the year gets lost like a Cleco in a chip storm.

Lancair ES-P

Robert Simon had the distinction of building the first Lancair ES-P to fly. But the process wasn’t without its challenges. The ES-P employs the cabin design and structure of the pressurized, retractable Lancair IV-P, but has a larger wing and fixed gear. During the build, Simon also deviated from the base design with changes that required factory support to accomplish. Not only did he learn much, he ultimately got the plane he needed; by Dave Higdon.

Survival of the Smartest

Surviving an emergency or crash landing in a remote area is just the beginning of staying alive long term. Thinking about what you might need and equipping yourself adequately for the type of flying you intend to do are essential to making it until help arrives.

As Things Wind Down…

As Sun 'n Fun concludes, it comes home that the week has seen a lot of aviating, hangar flying, buying, selling and wishing. Even...

If It's Not One Thing…

It's another, and in the business of showing and selling aircraft, neatness counts. Early on in this year's Sun 'n Fun adventure, rain-soaked grounds...

Teaching Homebuilding Skills

Many a homebuilder has heard the admonition from the uninitiated about how they love the idea of assembling their own plane, if only they...

The Eyes Have It

Do you ever get the feeling that someone's watching you? The paint on the Sparrowhawk gyros on display at Sun 'n Fun drew many...

Our Eyes in the Skies

The need to coordinate the arrival of thousands of aircraft, to manage the airshow flow, and maintain separation on the Lake Parker arrivals demands...

Up, Up and Away

Not all that flies at Sun 'n Fun roars like a radial, buzzes like a hornet or spews smoke during low passes. The traditional...

You Don't Need A Wing If Your Ship's Got That Swing…

Sun 'n Fun's Chopper Town provided a graphic reminder Friday that you don't need a wing if your ship's got that swing, as a...

And Now for Something Completely Different

One of the great aspects of events like Sun 'n Fun is the frequency with which something new shows up. It's unusual for those...

In Case You Missed It

Pitted Wheel Bearing Cup

Pitted wheel bearing cup.
Bull Moose

Meet the Bull Moose

All Moose, no bull—a throaty American V-8 motivates this outsized Canadian bush plane.

Build Your Skills: Fabric

Who knew there was so much to consider when selecting a fabric for your aircraft project? Cotton or polyester? Light weight or heavy? STCs, TSOs, PMAs, FAA requirements. Poly-Fiber or Ceconite systems? Ron Alexander unravels the alphabet soup and explains how and why each fabric may be the way to go for a specific project.

Mounting On a Curve

A long time ago, when homebuilders began installing Garmin 430s—the most popular IFR GPS/nav/com...