Home Authors Posts by Louise Hose

Louise Hose

Louise Hose
Louise Hose is an instrument-rated, commercial pilot who regularly flies her RV-6, her husband’s RV-8, and an RV-3B and a Dream Tundra, which they built together. They live in Dayton Valley Airpark in Nevada. She also edits the monthly, free digital newsletter, The Homebuilder’s Portal by KITPLANES®.
Dark Aero.

Visiting the Innovation Showcase

If you are into cool, whether atmospheric or “toys”, there is no better place to hang out than the Innovation Showcase. While most of...

Loki (and Paul Dye) Featured in Friday Homebuilts in Review

The SubSonex jet, Loki, and its builder, Paul Dye, were featured in the Homebuilts in Review session Friday afternoon before filled bleachers. After the...

Departure Briefing

I don’t know about you but I have been frustrated by the departure process just about every year that I come to AirVenture. Planning...

The Tribe of Homebuilders Gather

The EAA Homebuilders Dinner gathers homebuilders of all types together under one roof each Thursday night of AirVenture. Unlike the “type” gatherings that take...

Lazy Thursday Afternoon

There comes a point, usually around Thursday, when the feet hurt too much and the brain has been on overload too long to continue...

40th Anniversary of the RV-4

Have you seen a lot of RV-4s on the field this year? No surprise as it is the 40th anniversary of the Van’s Aircraft...

Everything Old is New Again

There is a distinctly unique RV sitting across the walkway from the Van’s Aircraft tent, but an RV it indeed is! It is the...

A Hybrid, Fuel-Powered, Genset Electric Airplane

The first thing most folks notice on the concept drawings of the SkyLab S1 displayed at the SkyLab Engineering booth in the Homebuilt vendor...

Janovetz and Agather’s 2017 F1 Evo Rocket

There is a beautiful F1 Rocket prominently displayed on the corner of Knapp Street and the P-1 taxiway… across from the Fightertown arch. It...

And, If It’s Wednesday Evening It Must Be the Corn Roast...

The Homebuilders' Pavilion hosts a corn roast for homebuilders on Wednesday evenings and it is a free affair full of camaraderie. You get in...

In Case You Missed it

Turbine Temptation

Making the decision.

Aero ‘lectrics

The FAA provides a wealth of user-friendly information on its web site. Jim Weir takes us on a tour of the highlights.

Wrap it up?

Some of the most intriguing aircraft paint jobs out there aren’t paint anymore. By Amy Laboda.

Home Shop Machinist

Billet oil-drain elbow.