Full Swivel!

With just one more hour to go before our RV-3 reaches 500 on the clock, her Silver Bullet tailwheel steering arm decided it had...

Those Special Tools…

I don't often succumb to those folks selling special tools at big shows - you know the folks that have special jewelry cleaner, or...

Back in the Saddle

Two weeks is a long time for me to go without flying. It doesn't happen very often - even most of the time when...


No matter what kind of airplane you decide to build, or the specific type of construction you choose (metal, composite, wood, or tube and...

Good Job!

I just spent two nice days in Corvallis, Oregon with the folks from BD Micro as they got ready to fly a new FLS...

The Best of Views!

Let's face it - pilots have a view of the world that few others get to enjoy. Sure, you can see Crater Lake from...

Easy Heater Box Control

Our Dream Tundra project is a good example of how it is hard to think of everything when designing a firewall layout with a...

Head on a Swivel

Do you ever get too comfortable when you're flying? I routinely fly from our airpark down to a neighboring private airpark to work on...

(Almost) Engine Hanging Time

We riveted on the firewall of our Dream Tundra project the other day - a major milestone because we think that means we have...

Two “Fly-ins”

Not too many days ago, a dry lakebed near our home became the temporary residence of about 70,000 people as the annual Burning Man...

In Case You Missed it

Marking a Constant Gap

Save time and effort marking a uniform trim distance. By KITPLANES® Staff.

“What Do You Mean, You’ve Flown My Plane!”

It’s a small world, but it’s full of giant coincidences.


The other day I heard about a guy at my local airport lamenting the...

Plane and Simple

Coil those sheets!