Dave Smith's RV-7


On Friday, March 9th 2012, it had been 4 years, 7 months and 17 days since taking over the RV7 project. It was a windy day and I headed to the airport after work to make preparations for the upcoming weekends’ first flight. The checklist was completed and I began to taxi and talk with the airport controller. There was no audience and winds were dropping – its time for me to fly! I taxied up to runway 33 at Kenosha. After what seemed to be a long reflective moment, I pulled onto the runway. After another reflective pause, power was added steadily and everything proceeded smoothly. I was in the air almost instantly and climbing quickly. Omg-omg-omg. Once in the pattern with nothing familiar, I requested to fly one circuit above the airport which allowed me to steady the plane and prepare for the controlled crash landing that would follow. I lined up for the approach and landed, maybe twice, and then came to a full stop. It was probably less than ten minutes, but seemed to be an eternity. The success and excitement of it all was reflected in the tower controller’s final transmission: Congratulations-did you Scotchguard those seats?!

Our RV-7 includes an O-360 with mags, a Catto 3-blade prop, Grand Rapids Sport, TruTrac ADI-II, Garmin 430W, FliteLine interior, PPG Desothane paint and AeroGraphics decals. Special thanks to Patti, Paul Jr., Oz, Marcel, Bernie, Verne, EAA chapter 414 and the patient Van’s staff.

Dave Smith
Libertyville, IL

Location: Kenosha, WI

e-mail address: [email protected]

Website: http://rv7preflight.blogspot.com



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