The prettiest plane in RARA’s pits this year must be Click Bond’s Sportsman on floats. It is on static display along the main walkway, about mid-way through the pit area. The (currently) amphibious plane was built under Glasair’s Two-Week-To-Taxi factory program in 2018 with labor provided by employees of Click Bond and high school students who had won the General Aviation Manufacturers Association’s Aviation Design Challenge. They incorporated Click Bond products everywhere that was deemed appropriate. Now we are able to inspect their work here in Reno.

But, what catches your attention is the spectacular paint job. It is no surprise to learn it is another product out of John Stahr (www.stahrdesign.com)

I seen the float plane at Reno this year. Quite a ship. Say hi to the people at Click Bond, l was with FAA when we approved their products for sale under TSO approval via Van Nuys MIDO.