Pilot My-Cast Now Available on iPad


Digital Cyclone, Inc., a subsidiary of Garmin Ltd. has announced that Pilot My-Cast by Garmin is available for the iPad. The new app has a distinctive tile-format user interface designed specifically for the iPad, and will help pilots visualize the weather along their route so that they can make informed decisions about the intended flight path prior to departure.

Pilot My-Cast for the iPad includes VFR aviation sectionals with real-time animated aviation weather, fuel prices, AOPA airport directory, and flight planning and filing. Customers can overlay multiple map elements so that they have the best weather information. In addition to customizable maps, the weather report may be viewed in text format.

Pilot My-Cast is a weather, flight planning and flight filing application exclusively for customers in the U.S. and Canada. It is the first aviation weather and flight-planning app that visually displays the pilot’s planned route of flight in conjunction with weather overlays, the company says. Pilots can enter a route using airports, standard terminal arrival routes (STARs), standard instrument departures (SIDs), and victor and jet airways, and then see their flight path on a map with a weather overlay. By combining the flight path with a weather overlay, pilots can determine if threatening weather is near. The real-time weather data overlay includes radar, METARs, TAFs, lightning data, SIGMETS, AIRMETS, PIREPS, winds aloft and more.

Pilot My-Cast for the iPad is available in the app store for a monthly fee of $9.99, or an annual subscription of $99.99. To order Pilot My-Cast or to see a list of other supported products, visit Digital Cyclone.


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