Show Shopping Without Stopping


Still, not everyone stops and gawks during the afternoon airshow…some get busy and shop to take advantage of the lighter crowds in displays knowing that their chances of trying on a cockpit are a little better than when the roar of engines and the trails of smoke serve to distract most others in the crowd.

This gentleman, for example, preferred trying on the left seat of the Rans S-19 LSA to rubber necking the solo act screaming overhead — something any good aircraft exec should appreciate.

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Dave Higdon
Dave travels far and wide as a long-time aviation journalist, so the subject of survival skills—what to pack, how to use it—was never far from his curiously sloping frontal lobes. Because we all tend to focus on the building and test-flying, knowing what to bring on that first long cross-country of the year gets lost like a Cleco in a chip storm.


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