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In Case You Missed It


Spackling Paste? Wow!I commend Vince Homer for his exhaustive study of spackling paste as...

Reno: The Grit and the Glory

Few eras in aviation have changed with the clarity of the National Championship Air...

Light Stuff

Motivated by an irresistible bargain and at least a modicum of nostalgia, author Dave Martin recaptures a piece of his earlier flying years when he purchases a twin-engine Lazair ultralight in partnership with two buddies. The Lazair is an unusual design to say the least, and Martin hasnt forgotten how to fly it, so both of his partners will benefit from his experience.

The Coming Revolution

Tremendous progress has been made in the Automatic Speech Recognition realm (think iPhone’s Siri), and this technology may be a boon to solo pilots sooner than you think. By James P. Hauser.