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The Dyke Delta


In Case You Missed It

Sporty’s PJ2

For a couple‭ ‬of hundred bucks‭, ‬why‭ ‬argue about whether a handheld VHF‭ ‬com...

Building Efficiently

You'll be flying your finished aircraft much sooner if you manage your time, parts, workspace and tools efficiently.

Firewall Forward: Tools of the Trade

Here are the tools you'll need during your engine installation, plus suggestions for keeping them organized.

Build Your Skills: Fabric

Who knew there was so much to consider when selecting a fabric for your aircraft project? Cotton or polyester? Light weight or heavy? STCs, TSOs, PMAs, FAA requirements. Poly-Fiber or Ceconite systems? Ron Alexander unravels the alphabet soup and explains how and why each fabric may be the way to go for a specific project.