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In Case You Missed It


One of the big motivators to amateur aircraft builders is simply dreaming about the adventures that their personal aircraft will allow them to accomplish.

Alternative Energies

Sun n Fun 2011 opened with stormy skies and a tornado, but the Green Space area offered a ray of sunshine at the rain-soaked event. By Dean Sigler.

Are We There Yet?

We all know that building your own airplane is a project thats never really finished, and having a partner only complicates the process, as two viewpoints about necessary equipment must be reconciled before progress can be made. Such was the case when these two partners in an RV-9A tried to come to terms with what avionics a panel (and the pilots) really needs; by Roger Molthuis.

25th Anniversary: Power Shift

From scrounging engines to building Experimental powerplants: Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook looks at the last 25 years in engine choices for homebuilders.