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In Case You Missed It

Are We There Yet?

We all know that building your own airplane is a project thats never really finished, and having a partner only complicates the process, as two viewpoints about necessary equipment must be reconciled before progress can be made. Such was the case when these two partners in an RV-9A tried to come to terms with what avionics a panel (and the pilots) really needs; by Roger Molthuis.

Improperly Installed Intake Gaskets

We noticed the intake gaskets were leaking on cylinders 3 and 4 on the...

Sporty’s L6 Transceiver

The first portable radio with a built-in LEMO jack.

Editor’s Log

The FAA’s concerns about the issuance of Special Airworthiness Certificates for some factory-built Light Sport Aircraft may result in changes to ELSA as well. By Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard.