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Tag: vortex generators

Wind Tunnel


In Case You Missed It

Flight Testing: Static System Error – Theory and Practice, Part 2

In Part 2 of the series, Kevin Horton shows you how to gather and interpret flight-test data to identify static system error (spreadsheets included).

Metal Working 11-part Series

Now the exceedingly popular and extraordinarily useful 11-part Build YourSkills: Metal Series is available as a single PDF. This must-have additionto your library was written by RV-7 builder Dan Checkoway and carefullyillustrated for first-time metal-workers and old hands alike. Mosteverything you need to now, from material handling and cutting to deburring,drilling and riveting is in this series.

Aero ‘lectrics

Using LEDs for lighting an aircraft has much to commend it. Low draw, reasonable cost, long life, good visibility. This month, Jim Weir takes us through the beginning steps of building these lighting systems yourself, using off-the-shelf parts and a little ingenuity.

Highly Evolved

The Lancair Turbine Evolution might be the ultimate Experimental kit aircraft. By Doug Rozendaal.