Well I guess it was a bit optimistic to expect that I could fly from one side of the country to the other on my way to Sun ‘n Fun without the weather intervening. A good reminder that while small planes offer great freedom and flexibility they don’t do thunderstorms really well. So any big cross-country plan needs to include plenty of fat so you don’t fall victim to press-on-itis. With this in mind I’m sitting out Tuesday in Mississippi and will have another go tomorrow. Still plenty of air show left so no need to attempt to outrun lightning.
In Case You Missed It
SX Appeal
Sleek looks and a 300-hp Lycoming make the SX300 a very sexy single.
Aero ‘lectrics
Columnist Jim Weir puts two, two, two LED lights in one hole, angled to ensure the maximum nav light visibility in any direction. He explains how to put the system together and explains why heat matters.
Induction Wave Propagation
Dave Anders - 1
Yet another way to increase engine volumetric efficiency.