What’s new with the RV-14A? Van’s Greg Hughes walks us through the changes for the ’14 and the updates surrounding the Lycoming IO-390-EXP119 engine. Read the full review.
In Case You Missed It
Aero ‘lectrics
What do you do if you need to monitor a number of audio signals, but you don't have room for an audio switching panel? Jim Weir finds the answer in a summing amplifier.
To Launch a Light Sport
It’s amazing what a little light will reveal, in this case a planned hole for the wing that would have been dangerously close to the wingspar. No worries. The problem was remedied, and it was on to fixing flaws in the wing’s surface and working on the nosewheel and front suspension; by Bob Fritz.
Lightweight Stepladder
Bob Hadley - 0
I affectionately refer to my Jabiru light-sport as being a “low high-wing” airplane. This...