Garmin 696/695 Checklists
Qref has introduced a checklist for the new Garmin 696/695 portable GPS. Written by the company’s staff of GPS experts, including a Master CFI, these checklists come in two varieties. The multi-page book has complete procedures for all features, with a tab to mark each section. The single-page card contains abbreviated information to guide you in the most used features. The checklists are full color and laminated to ensure resistance to wear.
The multi-page checklists measure 4.25×8 inches with spiral binding, and the single-page card checklists measure 5×5 inches, the perfect sizes to fit in your hand or your kneeboard. Prices range from $14.95 to $29.95.
Qref checklists are written by Bridgette Doremire, a NAFI Master CFI and navigation systems specialist, and they’re designed by Jason Clemens, a safety publications veteran in the aviation industry. In addition to the 696, checklists are available for over 50 systems, which include the GPSMAP series 96, 196, 296, 396 and 496.
Titles may be purchased directly from Qref at www.qref.com, or you can call 877/660-QREF to locate an authorized dealer.

RVs Top 6000 Flying
Vans Aircraft has announced that the 6000th completed aircraft has now flown. Louis Palmenteri finished and flew an RV-10 from his home airstrip at Heritage Airpark near Rhome, Texas. “N510RV flew well-after I caught up with it,” Palmenteri said. “I couldn’t believe how quickly it got off the ground.” With the support of his family and help from his friends at the airpark, Palmenteri finished the four-place airplane in three and half years, working from a Vans standard kit. He did his own interior and custom paint job as well.
Vans has been supplying kits for 33 years, so the 6000 number represents an average of one new airplane in the air every other day over the entire history of the company.
According to company founder Richard VanGrunsven, “We have shipped starts for more than 1200 aircraft in the last two years, and with the reduced building time required to build our newer designs like the RV-10 and the Light Sport RV-12, we look forward to seeing the next thousand RVs fly in an even shorter time than the last thousand.”
For more information, call 503/678-6545 or visit www.vansaircraft.com.

Mount for Rotax Engines
Raven Aviation has developed a ring mount, which is required on all Rotax 912/914 engine installations. Raven is an FAA-PMA parts manufacturer and even though this part does not require FAA manufacturing approval, it is built using the same processes and quality control required by the FAA for a certified part, the company says. The mount is chrome-moly construction, powder-coated, and fits all 912 and 914 engines. Options include additional clearance for a 12-volt, high-amp starter cable connection and powder-coating that will match the airframe color.
The Raven mount sells for $895. Dealer pricing and quantity pricing are available. For more information, call 661/345-7755 or visit www.ravenaviation.us.
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