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Marc Cook

Marc Cook
Marc Cook is a veteran special-interest journalist who started as a staffer at AOPA Pilot in the late 1980s. Marc has built two airplanes, an Aero Designs Pulsar XP and a Glasair Aviation Sportsman, and now owns a 180-hp, steam-gauge-adjacent GlaStar based in western Oregon. Marc has 5000 hours spread over 200-plus types and four decades of flying.

Rocket Racing

Positioning itself as a "new entertainment sports league that combines the exhilaration of racing with the power of rocket engines," the Rocket Racing League announced that it will stage its first exhibition race at Oshkosh this year. The vehicles will be liquid-oxygen-fueled rockets in modified Velocity airframes. Three more exhibition races will be held at Reno (September 10-14), at the X-Prize Cup (Las Cruces, NM, date TBA), and at Aviation Nation, Nellis Air Force Base…

What’s the Future of Homebuilding?

Some builders of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft are builders in name only, deferring primary construction of the aircraft to the pros. So concluded the FAA, which is determined to clamp down on those who would flout the 51% rules. What does it mean to regular homebuilders? Those who are building now will be unaffected, but for future builders, the FAAs guidance revisions could be significant.

Around the Patch

Editor in Chief Marc Cook was skeptical early on about using the Primary Category to address the problem of over-reliance on commercial builder assistance. But further consideration made him think it may have a role to play in the FAAs revised guidance.

That's All Folks….

Well, another Sun 'n Fun airshow has gone by. As the traditional start of the season, this one was, at times, fraught and promising,...

Cub Reporter Mandy Wainfan on Sun 'n Fun

Imagine seeing an airshow from the eyes of a nine-year old.Mandy Wainfan has been taking photos for, oh, 4 months now and has been...

New EFISes Star at Sun 'n Fun

Several new EFIS models and upgrades have been introduced at the show today.Advanced Flight Advanced deck EFISFor fans of the EFIS, the talk of...

KITPLANES On Site At Sun 'n Fun

Heavy rains over the last two days have left the Lakeland airport a mud-sodden mess. Early impressions are that the show traffic will ramp...

KITPLANES Staff Out the Door, Lakeland Bound

If you get our voicemail or email auto-responder starting, oh...about...now, it's because the KITPLANES staff and contributors are making their way from wherever they...

News: Australian Stimulus Package—Jabiru Engines On Sale

As the car ads say, "for a limited time only..." Jabiru's U.S. importers have announced that the 2200 and 3300 engines are being offered...

News: Cheap(er) Cubs for Sun 'n Fun

American Legend Aircraft has just announced special pricing for both its ready-to-fly Light Sport aircraft and the kitbuilt Texas Sport Cub. The airplanes are...

In Case You Missed It

Holey Cowl

Adventures with fiberglass.

Alternative Energy Projects

This month I’m taking a step back from doing the usual aircraft-related project to...

Remembering Reno

Aviation just wouldn’t be the same without the races…no matter where they are held.

Second Chance Six

Part 3: My fuel tanks are sloshy. What can I do?