All of Us are Smarter than Any of Us

One of the best things about this job is the number of contacts I get from members of the homebuilding community - It's like...

Power to the Panel!

When you're elbow deep in wiring, it is motivating once in awhile to clear all of the debris, check all the connections, and apply...

Wiring Time!

It's easy to tell when a shop is deep into avionics wiring - at least it is in my shop! I generally start by...

A Time for Lists

There comes a time in every homebuilt project where you need to start making lists. To-do lists. Up until that time, you are simply...

Efficient Glass Work

Here's a short little tip for making your composite work a little more efficient. How many times have you started a work session by mixing...

Hey Ridley…

Nope, it's not just for pilots - sometimes, a mechanic or builder just needs to stick a nut on the end of a screwdriver...

How Many…How Much?

When you reach the end of a project (an airplane is never really finished, so we just say "the end of a project"), you...

Dotting the I's, Crossing the T's…

I worked for the Federal Government for 34 years, and back in my college days, I spent two summers as a clerk in our...

Making Chips for a Purpose!

It's nice to have a milling machine, and even nicer to have a specific task for which it is well suited! The flaps in the...

Graduation Day

OK, so you've driven the last rivet, and hung the last hinge. The airplane is ready for inspection, and all you have to do...

In Case You Missed it


Need for SpeedNigel Speedy needs to be careful not to exceed 180 knots CAS....

Engine Beat

The Rotax 912 engine has become ubiquitous in homebuilt aviation, and now a company has found a way to improve its fuel efficiency. By Steve Ells.

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir offers his annual awards for the best products or services seen at Oshkosh/AirVenture 2007.

The Dawn Patrol

When you're the newbie of the group, you're going to get the tough assignments. But some newbies know how to exact payback (all in good fun, of course).