Home Authors Posts by Jim Weir

Jim Weir

Jim Weir
Jim Weir is the chief avioniker at RST Engineering. He answers avionics questions in the Internet newsgroup www.pilotsofamerica.com–Maintenance. His technical advisor, Cyndi Weir, got her Masters degree in English and Journalism and keeps Jim on the straight and narrow. Check out their web site at www.rst-engr.com/kitplanes for previous articles and supplements.


I love to look at the beautiful work and magnificent instrument panels that our KITPLANES® readers show us in these pages. But I also...

The Solar HOG

So, we’ve got this huge furnace about 94 million miles away from us, and we want to tap into that furnace’s power. Since this...

I’m a HOG

Porkers of the world, relax. I’m not about to turn you all into bacon and spareribs (although that’s not a bad idea). No, HOG...

VHF Com–the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

With a panel full of glass and diodes turned into all the colors of the rainbow, the poor old VHF com sitting over in...

Vertical, Vertical and so Very Practical

So, here we are with fly-in season upon us. And fire season. And lots of reasons to have an aircraft com station on the...

Off the Grid (Chapter 2)

Here we go with what I promised you last month. This may be the simplest—and yet the most complex—discussion of what it means to...

A Grid-Free Hangar

This may well be the most ambitious project I’ve tackled in the last 35 years of writing my KITPLANES® columns. I’m going to unplug...

ADS-B, Eh?

In the December 2019 issue of Kitplanes®, Larry Anglisano took us on a scenic journey of what ADS-B is going to look like from...

Testing, Testing, Can You Hear Me Yet?

We’ve come a long way from the Narco Omnigator (vintage 1958 or so) to the latest glass gizmos that do everything except make the...

A Tale of Two Antennas

With the recent rush to ADS-B, there has been a significant interest in GPS installations and even more interest in the antenna for those...

In Case You Missed it

Engine Beat

Do-it-yourself tips for how to keep those all-important plugs sparking clean. By Steve Ells.

Van’s–The Middle Ages

My involvement with Van’s Aircraft started in 1987—if my memory is right. The company...

Speed Deburring

Why turn a hand crank when electrons work so cheap?

Aero ‘lectrics

A-april, come she will...