Zodiac 601XLB N601LL was first flown on September 12, 2018. It took 11 years from start to finish with numerous long breaks interspersed for other of life’s priorities.
The LL in the tail number is for my wife of 47 years, Linda Lou, who unfortunately did not survive to see its completion. I chose to use the 650 canopy and pushrods for ailerons but otherwise pretty much followed the plans. I am a little over 20 hours toward the 40 hours phase 1 and have had one minor issue so far (carb heat cable came loose).
It is powered by a Jabiru 3300 turning a wooden Sensenich prop and has Dynon Avionics. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it flies. First time builder. And last, I believe as well.
–Joe Hopwood, Gulf Shores, Alabama