The One Week Wonder began to look like a real airplane on Thursday. The cabin and tail cone have been mated, the vertical stabilator and rudder are nearly completed as is the stabilator, and the canopy frame has been started. Many of the various “systems” (e.g., fuel and brake lines) have been installed and the plane is on its gear legs and wheels. The team is just about at the stage where most builders feel they are 90% done but the finishing work drags on and on. Talking with team lead Scott McDaniels at the end of today, he expressed confidence that the plane will taxi on time on Sunday, “although it will be close.”

Volunteer rivet pullers were lined up all day waiting for their opportunity to contribute to the effort and there continues to always be a crowd watching the work. Even during the lunch break, when work ceases for an hour, dozens of railbirds chat while observing the various components of the build. And, the Van’s sales tent staff reports that business has been brisk with some customers commenting that the OWW build brought them out to learn the details of buying a kit.

If you haven’t pulled your rivet and joined the build team yet, drop by on Friday between 8-12 or 1-5.