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Wilkes Subsonex JSX-2


Viljoen SubSonex


McGloon Sonex


In Case You Missed it

Archive: October 1997

A sleek Lancair IV-P was on our October 1997 cover along with the blurb promising an over-gulf trip from Florida to Mexico.

All About Avionics, Part 9

One of the final steps in getting your avionics suite to work is installation of some sort of antenna to capture various radio frequencies. Failing to choose the right antenna and install it properly can compromise the whole installation. Rather than focusing on the intricacies of antenna design, the author discusses the merits of internal versus external for particular equipment plus where to place them; by Stein Bruch

25th Anniversary: Engines of Change

In the days of the Wright brothers, the Flyer would have been impossible had the boys not endeavored to develop their own powerplant. While the Experimental/Amateur-Built movement has been carried aloft by versions of certified aircraft engines, the alternative engine movement has provided viable options for builders. By Marc Cook.

The Creative Homebuilder

12-volt test equipment.