Extended Range for Lightning
Arion Aircraft, LLC, manufacturer of the Lightning kit aircraft since April 2006, has announced that it will be offering an optional extended-range fuel system for the plane. The optional 30-gallon capacity (the original is 22 gallons) will give the Lightning more than 800 miles of range at an estimated cruise speed of 175 mph.
The introduction of this option is the result of requests from customers who have been using their planes for cross-country flying, says Product Development Manager Nick Otterback.
“Our system re-design makes the Lightning a strong long-distance performer,” he says.
To date, 50 kits have been sold, and 17 examples are flying, the company says. Builders are reporting an average of 400 hours build time.
The price of the extended-range tank option is $295. For more information, call 931/680-2800, or visit www.
flylightning.net. A direct link can be found at www.kitplanes.com.
Flight Bag for Van’s Aircraft
Bison Mountain offers a flight bag specifically made for the RV-6, -7
and -9 series of Vans aircraft. Designed to fit behind the pilots and
co-pilots seats, the flight bag fits over the flap actuator bar and makes maximum use of the area behind the seats, the company says. The bag has a large, easily accessible main cargo area with a large zippered flap. There are two side pockets and a map pocket. The rear side of the bag has a pencil/flashlight/fuel-tester pocket, a headset pocket, and a small pocket for tools. The bag is made of Curdura, which is resistant to
liquids. There is a carrying handle and two straps that could clip the bag to the seat back to minimize movement. It comes in black or gray.
The flight bag measures 18 inches high by 12.5 inches wide, and the price is $89. Discounts are available on orders of two or more bags. For more information, email
[email protected] or visit www.bisonmountainbags.com.A direct link can be found at www.kitplanes.com.
Jack It UPAeroPoint Industries, LLC offers a unique jacking system for owners of light aircraft. The 1.5-ton jack series uses an all-mechanical system to avoid the potential problems of a hydraulic failure. This allows positive holding power at all times during and after jacking, the company says, and it also eliminates the need for a backup safety holding device. The mechanical design uses a cordless drill to power the system, or a crank allows for manual operation of the jack.
The company says it researched the best possible jack height to accommodate the largest range of aircraft. If taller heights are needed, an extension stand is available. Every component of the system is lightweight, and the total weight (without the extension) is about 33 pounds. It is collapsible for easy stowing.
The price for the AP1-15A jack is $380. For more information, call 503/328-9078 or visit
www.aeropointind.com. A direct link can be found at www.kitplanes.com.Aussie Transceiver
Microair Avionics of Australia has released its new model M760
Revision P transceiver. This small panel-mounted VHF aircraft radio offers new features including an internal vox (voice-activated) intercom, dual monitoring of active and standby, larger knobs, an alpha/numeric “dial by name” display, range of 108-136 Mhz, and 99 programmable memory channels.
The M760 fits in a 2.25-inch instrument hole and is 5.3 inches deep. It has low power consumption of 80 mA without the backlight (120 mA with). Power output is 4.5 watts, and the unit weighs 18 ounces.
The price is $1061.96. For more information, call +61 7 41553048, or visit
www.microair.com.au. A direct link can be found at www.kitplanes.com. J