Editor’s Log

Editor Mary Bernard discusses the reward of simplicity that a homebuilder can find when building from plans.

What’s New

ZuluLog offers a pilot logbook for Android devices, Zenith and UL Power announce a firewall-forward kit for the CH 650, and Garmin introduces the aera 796, its new flagship portable navigator.

Idle Hands

Marc Cook reminisces about the hours of enjoyment he found working on his Glasair Sportsman.

Unusual Attitude

Vans Aircraft founder Richard VanGrunsven considers flight safety, and how improving our building and piloting skills would do more to reduce the number of mishaps than additional regulations would.

Alternative Energies

Electric Light Sport Aircraft are few and far between, owing primarily to the heavy batteries eating into LSA weight restrictions. The Alternair Amp is poised to change all that. By Dean Sigler.

Down To Earth

Homebuilt aircraft played a key role in bringing aid to the Bahamas after Hurricane Irene. Amy Laboda explains how you can join in future relief efforts.

Light Stuff

Interested in ultralights? Roy Beisswenger explains what is available and how to make the right choice for your needs.

Free Flight

The words "test pilot" conjure images of steely-eyed derring-do, but the reality is often a world away from all that.


 Risky Business?Marc Cook, you have it right . Engines must have qualified technology and sufficient development, with a long gestation to work out the...

The Ultimate Upgrade

Wendell and Martha Solebee’s experience in the automotive restoration business came in handy when it was time to prep their Lancair Evolution for paint.

In Case You Missed it

Gear of the Year 2007

There's always something new to be had in the field of aviation-related equipment, and this year we stay on the beaten trail and wander off of it a bit with a new EFD/MFD, a build-it-yourself headset, a readily stowable inflatable tent, a headset boom light, a digital attitude indicator, an electronic flight bag and spiffy, low-draw LED landing lights; a Staff Report.

Cracked Exhaust

Exhaust cracks can be insidious, although sometimes they leave a gray-looking residue. Use a...

Aero ‘lectrics

How do you condition a battery not in regular use to extend its lifetime? Run it down and then charge it back up. Jim Weir explains how to achieve this with about $10 worth of parts.

Parallels, Stops, and Travel Limiters

Although the title might suggest it, this is not about parallel parking, speeding tickets, or driving of any kind.