Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger discusses the impact of the FAAs LODA order allowing Light Sport instructors to resume training with their Experimental aircraft.

Editor’s Log

Mary Bernard discusses the challenges companies face when they try to improve an existing design, let alone develop a new product. The Glasair Sportsman TC is a case in point.

What’s New

TCW Technologies announces two new products, ChartFlier introduces a low-cost entry to the ADS-B market, and a veteran airshow performer pilots the SubSonex jet on its maiden flight.


Marc Cook presents an argument for rewriting LSA weight-limit rules to encourage new design and technology, while improving safety and performance.

Maintenance Matters

In this new column, Steve Ells shares his background as an A&P mechanic and offers tips on keeping your homebuilt aircraft running smoothly.

Alternative Energies

Companies around the world are making strides in the development of electric-powered light aircraft. Dean Sigler reports on three French organizations that have been setting records and making history.

Free Flight

Thousands of hours of flight time in a pilots logbook are no guarantee of superior skill-or superior judgment.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda finds a way to keep her RV-10s engine cool-until she runs into hot, South Florida summer weather, that is.

Light Stuff

Columnist Roy Beisswenger makes the case for the safety of light and ultralight aircraft. Don't believe it? Hell explain why.

Editor’s Log

Editor Mary Bernard makes the case for presenting the annual Aircraft Buyer's Guides data in a new, more useful form.

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Registering without builders logs, adjustable prop on an LSA, incorrect N-number placement, repairman certificate for a rebuilt RV-6.

Kit Stuff


Buzzwords: Human Factors—The Basics

Small design considerations can have a big impact on comfort, convenience and safety.

Celebrating the RV-6

This month, along with the EAA, we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the...