Bolted Joints
Bolted joints are pretty simple. Drill some holes, drop a bolt into them, add a washer and a nut, and torque to the...
Improper Deburring
It is really important to remove the burrs that are created when drilling through aluminum prior to riveting. Otherwise the rivets will not get...
Antenna Wiring
Don’t shortchange the job with the wrong cable, sloppy routing or flawed crimping techniques.
Making Peace with the Jabiru Engine
Keep it cool: That’s the secret to success with the Jabiru engine, which will reward your efforts by being a simple, powerful and smooth-running powerplant. Dave Prizio offers some suggestions for Jabiru care.
Design Process: Distribution of Lift Coefficient
In the last few months, we have explored how planform and taper affect both the distribution of total lift across the span and the...
Propeller Effects–Lateral Directional
The propeller slipstream affects the aerodynamics of the airplane. A propeller accelerates air backward and also imparts a swirl. The air in the slipstream...