Alodine Sluice

Alodine is an excellent corrosion inhibitor plus it adds zero weight. I should have Alodined before assembly but didn't care for the chemicals. AlumiPrep...

Metal Magic: Drilling Like a Pro

It pays to get good with drilling because you'll be doing a lot of it.

Are All Battery Chargers Alike?

Bob Fritz tests battery chargers and desulfation systems, and finds its easier to keep a battery in good shape than to raise it from the dead—and that a good charger is a better bet than a new battery.

Best Practices – Batteries

Electrical, part 3: batteries.

In Case You Missed it

Let Yourself Soar!

Let Yourself Soar! Not all homebuilts have engines. By Frank Paynter.

LED to a Landing

We have come a long way with light emitting diodes. They went from $200...

Celebrating the RV-6

This month, along with the EAA, we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the...

Aero ‘lectrics

Throwing the big switch.