Grandaddy Document

We’re helping a neighbor friend clean out the hangar of her late husband, and running across all sorts of things that he collected as...

Always Another Tool

One of the things I brought back from AirVenture last week was a kit from Flyleds to build two LED landing lights that we’re...

Tune-Up Time

Like the proverbial frog who doesn’t know that the pot of water is getting warmer, it is easy to adapt to an airplane or...

Tale of Two Pitots

As part of an EAA Safety committee promoting the use of angle of attack flying, I fly a lot of different AoA systems. In...

Sometimes, Ya’ Just Gotta’ Fly

It was almost ten o’clock last night when the text came in from an airpark neighbor—“$2.99 per gallon Avgas at Yerington tomorrow from 0700...

Minor Surgery

In my ongoing effort to equip our home fleet of airplanes with as many Angle of Attack systems as possible, we recently upgraded the...

Plug That Hole!

Got an extra hole in your baffles? In this case, we were removing an unused purge valve return line that had penetrated the baffles...

Stick Bushing

Things that move wear out. That’s buried in a law of physics I once learned having to do with entropy. In this case, that...

Avionics: Do You Document?

A friend at my airport confessed to having some avionics problems. His homebuilt’s instruments include a Garmin G5 for a primary instrument, a BendixKing...

Machine, Weld… Repeat!

The project was certainly educational, and those of you with lots of experience welding will chuckle at my expense.

In Case You Missed it


Three common discrepancies.

Loud, Clear, and Capable

PS Engineering PDA 360 EX.

What’s New

Lycoming offers zero-time, factory-rebuilt engines to pilots and owners for the cost of a factory overhaul, in exchange for a first-run core; RPX Technologies introduces the simple and straightforward DynaVibe prop and rotor balancer. Edited by Mary Bernard.

The Creative Homebuilder

Make your own quick-change drill bits and deburring tools.