
One of the big motivators to amateur aircraft builders is simply dreaming about the adventures that their personal aircraft will allow them to accomplish.

Checklists: Live By Them

There isn’t a pilot alive who doesn’t know what a checklist is. There are, however, pilots no longer with us who failed to use one.

Four Decades Old, Look At Us Now

Publisher Dennis Shattuck took a flier on a growing segment of aviation back when magazines littered newsstands across the country and well before we...
The most difficult compromises live in the middle of the performance envelope, while the easiest decisions are found at each end of the spectrum. This VW installation emphasizes economy over performance, so a prop gearbox would be an obvious complication.


Never one to revel in the practical, recently I found myself expounding to a colleague on why the general aviation world moves at 2700 rpm.

Parts Is Parts

A major part of any Experimental kit will be hundreds of products that the kit supplier didn’t manufacture or fabricate but simply sourced from the open market to supply with their custom kit components.

Target Fixation Taught by Trees

I was chopping firewood under a dead ash tree, whiffing deep, ax-head-shaped divots into my lawn, when I remembered the time, once upon a takeoff, that a living oak tree nearly got the best of me.

The Most Dangerous Thing in the Cockpit

Forget about all those sharp corners, the quantity of fuel aboard and the fire extinguisher you threw in the baggage compartment without tying it down. It is always important to at least consider the fact that the most dangerous thing to have in the cockpit when things go wrong is the owner of the airplane.

It’s Toy Season!

Because few new products get announced at Sun ’n Fun, there’s often a dead zone between April and the big intros at AirVenture in July. But that doesn’t mean it’s total dullsville. A couple of new bits have caught my eye recently.

Flight Review: Falken Avionics iPad-based EFIS

By now, the Apple iPad has established itself as a strong utility player in many aircraft, most often running as a so-called electronic flight bag (EFB) to display moving maps, charts, weather and traffic. But Falken Avionics’ Flight View system has a different take on putting Apple’s tablet to use—as a primary instrument. 

A Hangar Fit for a Bride

Since we live on an airpark, have a large hangar of our own and my fiancé works for an airplane-kit company, many friends have...

In Case You Missed It

Living With RVs

For the last 20 plus years any person who’s thought of building their own...

Engine-run Requirements for the DAR Inspection

Do you need to run your engine for the DAR? How does using a certified engine and prop affect your Phase I test period? How about the gray areas regarding dual flight instruction? DAR Mel Asberry gives you the straight scoop.

Ask the DAR

Private pilots flying LSAs, aircraft registration, prop strikes, E/AB to ELSA, N-number location.


Prop Balance PrecursorIn addition to balance, improper clocking of the propeller on the crankshaft...