Editor’s Log

Editor Mary Bernard introduces the new “Build It Better” series by Paul Dye and praises Kitfox Aircraft for its ongoing development efforts.

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry discusses the process for registering and certifying an ELSA, including how to find an inspector and the paperwork you'll need to provide.

Alternative Energies

The greenest flight of all. By Dean Sigler.


Jess Meyers of Belted Air Power continues to refine auto-engine conversion firewall-forward packages for homebuilt aircraft. By Rick Lindstrom.

What’s New

The Jabiru LSA was certified, a new Sport Hornet is introduced, Vertical Power offers climate control in the cockpit, Cirrus is taking orders, an old favorite book title is back in print, the PT-6 firewall-forward package is now on a Turbo Grizzly, and an LED pilot pen lights the great write way; edited by Mary Bernard.

Rear Cockpit

An inside look.

What Are the Odds?

My first winter in Oregon came and went. The weather’s been fairly nice leading into spring, or at least my surroundings look just as...

Editor’s Log

Have you asked why?

How About a Little Prop Talk?

Here’s something new for me. Until my recently acquired GlaStar, I have never owned an airplane without an adjustable propeller. True, the Pulsar XP’s...

Understanding the Scope of Your Operating Limitations

DAR Mel Asberry clarifies the confusion: Is a homebuilt owner bound by someone elses operating limitations?

In Case You Missed It

Hands On: Spray Painting

Mike Loehle shows us the process of prepping both metal and composite surfaces prior to painting as well as applying color and clear coats.

Time is Running Out!

As the 2020 deadline gets closer, heres what is happening on the ADS-B scene.

Rapid Prototyping and Experimental Design

Coupon testing, part 3. By Eric Stewart and Brian Paris.

Building the RV-3 Aileron Trim

Shocked by the price of servos, Paul Dye decided to fabricate an aileron trim for his RV using compact linear actuators intended for use in radio-controlled models and robotics.