Metal Working 11-part Series

Now the exceedingly popular and extraordinarily useful 11-part Build YourSkills: Metal Series is available as a single PDF. This must-have additionto your library was written by RV-7 builder Dan Checkoway and carefullyillustrated for first-time metal-workers and old hands alike. Mosteverything you need to now, from material handling and cutting to deburring,drilling and riveting is in this series.

Good Vibrations, Bad Vibrations

Mating a prop to an engine requires more than a big wrench and some safety wire. Follow along on a real propeller vibration test.

Build Your Skills: Metal, Part 2

How to meld with metal and bash rivets without blood or tears; by Dan Checkoway.

Calculating Weight and Balance

Tackling weight-and-balance calculations is a task we have all faced with some trepidation, but it is so vital, so important, so fundamental to flight...

Build Your Skills: Metal, Part 1

An RV builder begins our journey through the gritty details of working with metal.

In Case You Missed It

Kit Stuff


2012 Alternative Engine Buyer’s Guide

If you’re in the market for an auto-conversion engine for your homebuilt aircraft, here’s a definitive guide to the options. By Patrick Panzera.

Get Bent

I harbor two writers within. A technical writer who favors brevity and a creative...

Aircraft Records and Logbooks

What's required for Experimental/Amateur-Built Aircraft?