Metal Working 11-part Series
Now the exceedingly popular and extraordinarily useful 11-part Build YourSkills: Metal Series is available as a single PDF. This must-have additionto your library was written by RV-7 builder Dan Checkoway and carefullyillustrated for first-time metal-workers and old hands alike. Mosteverything you need to now, from material handling and cutting to deburring,drilling and riveting is in this series.
Good Vibrations, Bad Vibrations
Mating a prop to an engine requires more than a big wrench and some safety wire. Follow along on a real propeller vibration test.
Build Your Skills: Metal, Part 2
How to meld with metal and bash rivets without blood or tears; by Dan Checkoway.
Calculating Weight and Balance
Tackling weight-and-balance calculations is a task we have all faced with some trepidation, but it is so vital, so important, so fundamental to flight...
Build Your Skills: Metal, Part 1
An RV builder begins our journey through the gritty details of working with metal.