Air-Cooled Volkswagen

2022 Engine Buyer's Guide


Engine Buyer's Guide Index Introduction Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline Inline and V Four-Stroke Radial and Rotary Rotary (Wankel) Compression Ignition (Diesel & Jet A) Volkswagen ...

Jets and Turboprops

Engine Buyer's Guide Index Introduction Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline Inline and V Four-Stroke Radial and Rotary Rotary (Wankel) Compression Ignition (Diesel & Jet A) Volkswagen ...

Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline

2022 Engines Buyer’s Guide

Rotary (Wankel)

American Rotary Engine /Auto PSRU’s We’re combining these two very separate companies under one heading because they join to offer a Mazda 13B rotary engine...

Two Stroke

2022 Engine Buyer's Guide

Radial and Rotary (Traditional)

Classic Aero Machining For those seeking an authentic, full-gyroscopic rotary experience, New Zealand-based Classic Aero Machining has developed brand-new seven- and nine-cylinder Gnome Monosoupape engines....

Certified vs. Experimental

Just as airplanes are legally grouped as certified or Experimental, engines follow the same scheme.

Compression Ignition (Diesel & Jet A)

Continental Thanks to their complex and high-pressure nature, diesel (Jet A-burning) piston engines are premium devices full of expensive parts, and their penetration into the...

Radial and Rotary

Engine Buyer's Guide Index Introduction Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline Inline and V Four-Stroke Radial and Rotary Rotary (Wankel) Compression Ignition (Diesel & Jet A) Volkswagen ...

In Case You Missed It

The Turf War Around MOSAIC

You might think that a long-running proposal to streamline certification and greatly expand (and make far more usable) LSA and sport pilot rules would have the industry locking arm, raising voices in song and, therefore, on a clear path to success. You might, but you’d be wrong.

SeaRey LSX Amphibian

Progressive Aerodyne has a new version of its kitbuilt amphibian, the SeaRey LSX, and the updates to the design live up to high expectations. By Ed Wischmeyer.

Hey There, Charlie

I’m sure there were perfectly fine used homebuilts closer to me than N531CE—it was...

News from Sun n Fun

Attendance may have been down a bit with the slumping economy, but that didn't stop innovators from introducing new products for homebuilt aviation. A Staff Report.