No doubt you’ve noticed that our annual Light Sport and Rotorcraft Buyer’s Guide has gone on Weight Watchers and slimmed down for this year. Actually, its more surgery than diet. Our readers have said with near unanimity that store-bought, ready-to-fly Special Light Sport Aircraft are not of interest-were here to build, you say-so we have ceased publishing a print version of the SLSA guide as of this issue. Th at leaves our Rotorcraft Buyer’s Guide to stand alone, which it is more than capable of doing. This year, the changes: Another Butterfl y model has escaped chrysalis as the Aurora Butterfly. Air Command has a new gyro in the Elite Tandem 912. Innovator Technologies gains two designs (now at fi ve total) with the Mosquito XE3 and XET. Finally, the Sport Copter has been replaced by the Sport Copter II. Missing from the list: All three American Sportscopter designs, plus RotorWay International has pulled the plug on the Exec because of the success of the much improved A600 Talon. Gyros that meet LSA rules are so noted; as you know, pure helicopters do not fit into Light Sport rules. Please report errors and omissions to [email protected].
2009 Rotorcraft Buyer’s Guide
Annual Buyer's Guide, Part 3.