Diodes, Backward and Forward

Let’s talk about what makes a diode—what the physical makeup of a diode really looks like on the inside.

Aero ‘lectrics

Beachball bingo.

The One-Two Punch

Placing drilled holes exactly where you want them.

Vizz-War: A little Drop’ll Do Ya

So, you've got your pretty airplane all fitted out with antennas. In metal ships, you've bolted them to the exterior of the airframe* and...

Installing and Maintaining Your Pitot-Static System

The pitot-static system is usually one of those items appearing on your to-do list when you are at the point of being 90% done...

Tech Tip

Forming a Composite Blister.

Metal Working 11-part Series

Now the exceedingly popular and extraordinarily useful 11-part Build YourSkills: Metal Series is available as a single PDF. This must-have additionto your library was written by RV-7 builder Dan Checkoway and carefullyillustrated for first-time metal-workers and old hands alike. Mosteverything you need to now, from material handling and cutting to deburring,drilling and riveting is in this series.

Home Shop Machinist

Spline-al tap.

Home Shop Machinist

Daily grind.

Cover Story: Designing Men

In this first installment of the upholstery series, the author looks at the basics: sewing machines, scissors, needles and thread, and more.

In Case You Missed It

Ziggy’s New Engine

Adding a 180-hp Titan engine to a Legend Cub.

Buying a Used Homebuilt: Different Types

Fly before you buy, factory support, engines, and Light Sport.

Scrape Without Scratching

Scrape Without Scratching

Challenger Enjoys a Birthday

250 enthusiasts gathered at Erie Airpark, in Illinois, to celebrate a major milestone: The 25th anniversary of the Quad City Challenger line of aircraft. By Bryan Quickmire.