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In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Periodic inspections are a necessary part of homebuilt aircraft ownership. Mel Asberry explains which ones are needed and how they differ from the certificated aircraft variety.

Alternative Energies

Diesel engines, anyone? How about biofuel? More builders are turning to such alternatives in the name of fuel economy, while the industry awaits fuel cells and better batteries. By Dean Sigler.

Down to Earth

When something doesn’t feel (or sound) right, trust your gut and stay on the ground. A stuck valve recently demonstrated this lesson to Amy Laboda.

Aero ‘lectrics

If you need a horn to sound when the airspeed drops below a certain level or when the power is cut and the landing gear is still up and locked, an electronic circuitry solution is the lightest, most reliable and most cost-effective way to go.