Engine Beat

Steve Ells examines the RSA-type fuel-injection system, shows you how to set the idle speed and idle mixture, and how to clean the nozzles and screens.

Trouble With Numbers

For better or worse, pilots can be an analytical bunch. Not all of them, of course, since many are what you’d call seat-of-the-pants types...

Electric Flight From Behind the Wheel

It’s safe to assume few of us have flown via electric power at this point, while some of us have no doubt taken a spin in an electric car.

Gear of the Year 2008

Most of the attendees at Oshkosh AirVenture each year seek out the latest, greatest, craziest, most innovative gear they can find, and our KITPLANES crew is no exception. This year we've come up with some brand new gadgets and some items that have escaped our attention till now but shouldn't have; a staff report.

The Personalized Grip

There comes a time, fairly early in the kit-building process, where if a builder is constructing an aircraft to be flown with a stick...

Editor’s Log

The explosion of ADS-B technology, the new Van’s RV-14 and an editor in a ballistic-parachute simulator—AirVenture was full of exciting developments, as always. Plus: a send-off for Editor-at-Large Marc Cook. By Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard.

Editor’s Log

The FAA’s concerns about the issuance of Special Airworthiness Certificates for some factory-built Light Sport Aircraft may result in changes to ELSA as well. By Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard.

Ly-Con O-Ring Trick

When you join two halves of a flat aviation engine together, they often weep between the starter and the alternator. Not only is this unsightly, its wasteful and makes completing an overhaul more cumbersome than need be. Enter Ly-Con, whose groovy O-ring process promises to stop leaks before they start.

Idle Hands

Marc Cook reminisces about the hours of enjoyment he found working on his Glasair Sportsman.

Unusual Attitude

The Dawn Patrol, led by Dick Starks, launches for Holden, Missouri, to witness the taxi test of an 80%-scale replica of a 1915 de Havilland DH-2. The unintended consequence of an innocent road trip leads Dick to consider becoming a repeat building offender.

In Case You Missed it

A Spot of Bother

This title phrase can, like so much in our language, be used to convey...

Consider a Second Look

I would chance a guess that most aircraft kits are primarily built by one...

Plane and Simple

Locate that hole-precisely!


Builders share their successes.