
An untimely prop strike results in more than just a call to the insurance company. Decisions regarding engine and propeller replacement open up numerous options. By Bill Repucci.

All About Avionics

As autopilots become more and more commonplace, their utility only gets better. Stein Bruch offers an overview of the latest trends.

Engine Beat

Vacuum systems may be an imperfect way to power instruments, but careful monitoring and maintenance can forestall common issues. By Steve Ells.


Builders share their successes.

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry continues his discussion of aircraft operating limitations by explaining what those Phase II flight test rules mean.

Aero ‘lectrics

Jim Weir takes a look at low-cost and free CAD software available to help you document modifications you've made to your aircraft.

Wind Tunnel

Its easy to get carried away with new systems and technology that promise to make your airplane faster, smarter and even safer. But sometimes more is just more.

Legacy Act

Marc Cook takes a close look at Erik Larson’s Legacy and finds out why Lancair’s rework of its seminal 200-235-320-360 design is as swoon-worthy as its predecessors.

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the magazines new approach to the Alternative Engines Buyer's Guide and the blowback from his commentary about these engines in the May issue.

What’s New

PS Engineering has introduced a new audio panel/com, Avemco creates a safety team, Comp Air offers special pricing incentives on its 6 kit, and UL Power of North America names Zenith as first OEM. Edited by Mary Bernard.

In Case You Missed it

What’s New

RV-12 building assistance is available on DVD from HomebuiltHELP; Plane-Power has introduced a new alternator for Continental 520 and 550 engines; WhirlWind announces a new composite, ground-adjustable propeller for the Rotax 912/914 engine.


Builders share their successes.

Dan’s World

Sometimes its surprising to see homebuilt aircraft kits languishing in garages or hangars or workshops. Especially the quickbuilds, which raises the question of whether there's something about buying a QB kit that leads to procrastination. Columnist Dan Checkoway ponders the question, looking to his own experience for an answer.

Inside KITPLANES: How We Do Aerial Photography

Marc Cook explains the nuts-and-bolts of how we achieve the aerial photography that appears in the magazine, and offers a few pointers on how to capture your own plane in flight.