Parallels, Stops, and Travel Limiters

Although the title might suggest it, this is not about parallel parking, speeding tickets, or driving of any kind.

2013 Engine Buyer’s Guide

The outlook for the alternative engine market for Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft is positive, and there are new additions since last year—even more reason to join the auto-conversion club. By Patrick Panzera.

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir comes up with what he thinks is the optimal design for getting power from the 12-volt aircraft battery to the LED without wasting any.

Garmin Smart Glide

New software that’s an extra layer of automation for backstopping emergency deadstick landings.

Backcountry Cub Special Operations Edition

Premeditation defines Paul Collins' first project.

The Seat

If you're going to design the perfect airplane, which piece do you work on first?

Around the Patch

Velocity Aircraft has been acquired by Rocket Racing Group, and Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the implications for the company specifically and the industry in general. Also, Dick Starks has a new book out that regales readers with tales of his wacky Dawn Patrol adventures.

The Decision to Polish

To quote a friend, “When you paint, the aircraft will never look better than when it leaves the paint shop. When you polish, it...

Building the Bearhawk LSA

The start of a long, enjoyable tale.

X Marks the Spot

Light and slow, yet lacking control skittishness, the X-Air is a simple and fun way to go nowhere in particular. By Bob Grimstead.

In Case You Missed it

Building the eXenos

Part 4: Back to the airframe, installing the motor.

All About Avionics

Panel Upgrades—Wiring your panel. By Stein Bruch.

Nobody’s Perfect

Nobody's perfect. Neither is any airplane or airplane part—there’s always a tolerance from perfection, and that’s OK, as long as you understand the art of repair.

Rear Cockpit

Oil: why it gets hot.