Safety Is No Accident: Auto-Engine Conversions

Ron Wanttaja crunches the numbers to determine whether homebuilts powered by auto-engine conversions are inherently less safe than their traditional engine brethren.

The Dawn Patrol

Threatening weather at the annual Gathering of Eagles event in Gardner, Kansas, failed to subdue the antics of The Dawn Patrol, for better or worse.

Makes You Go Hmmm

Rotary-engine enthusiast Paul Lamar details the benefits and efficiencies of using rotary power for homebuilt aircraft.

Into the Coal Sack

Paul Dye discusses the ins and outs of landing at night on a narrow, obscured by trees private runway.


Dont Look!Dick Starks Dawn Patrol article, Were going to have to count that as two landings, in the December issue is an illustration of...

All About Avionics

A clear definition of the mission along with a realistic assessment of the type of flying you'll do are key to successfully completing an avionics retrofit. By Stein Bruch.


Builders share their successes.

Engine Beat

Steve Ells surveys those in the know for tips about what to consider when contemplating the purchase of a used aircraft engine.

Ask the DAR

Can you use Function Code 33 to amend Experimental aircraft limitations and flight-test locations?

Aero ‘lectrics

Transistors don't like excessive heat, but there's a way to beat it: an engineered heat sink.

In Case You Missed it

The Cost to Build

When a kit airplane or plans purveyor provides an estimated cost to complete a project, consider it with a wary eye that's tempered with real-world experience.

PS Engineering PMA9000EX

After a quick and easy installation, PS Engineerings new PMA9000EX audio panel is test-flown by Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook in his Glastar Sportsman.

Aero ‘lectrics

Resistor values la RETMA.

Alternative Energies

As the powers that be debate the future of 100LL, participants at the Fifth Annual Electric Aircraft Symposium pondered how to make the alternatives more practical and efficient. By Dean Sigler.